Anniversary Waltz Fell Race

11th March
11.5 miles 4,500ft

The anniversary waltz is a race I had been meaning to do for about 3 years. But for varying reasons this year was to be my first chance. So even though I was still feeling a bit rough from a stomach bug, I decided to take part.

Ian Cookson joined me and we both started together in the middle of the pack. I vowed to set off steady and see how the stomach felt. The perfect weather inspired me to push a bit harder and soon after starting on the first bit of trail I overtook Ian. I felt o.k. and so continued at about 90 % effort.

The views were amazing from the tops, as I scooted over Robinson, Hindscarth and Dale Head. It was now that I chose the wrong line off Dale. I should have known it was the wrong line as I was now completely on my own going down the right hand line towards the tarn. I had overtaken fellow Bowland runner Declan at the top, and by the time I descended to the tarn I was 200 yards behind. We continues this cat and mouse game – not the he knew it as I didn’t have my Bowland vest on – over High Spy until I finally passed him on the top of Cat Bells. I then lined up Paul Morton but could not quite catch him.

I was pleased with my effort and felt remarkably o.k. considering how unsettled I had been the previous week. It was a beautiful day to be in the Hills. The race was brilliantly organised by Steve and Wynn. Ian enjoyed also enjoyed the run finishing 190th in 2h 18:50. I finished 105th in 2h 07:56. The winner was Morgan Donnelly in 1h 35:58.

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